“I was talking ’bout the State of the Union, How there’s no one now in power thinking of me…”
Oops! There are people thinking about folks like me. They are “dom, dom dum dum”, the Christian Reconstructionists. For some reason our Nation’s Constitution seems to be sorely lacking in their eyes, and they really have probs with those who just get on in their own groove. They are trying to use their monies to commit treason against our form of government and our vision of Life in the 21st Century. They despise the evolution of Humankind into self-realized, self-actualized beings. They wish to turn the clock back to a time when a camel was considered the only means of traveling.
I mean, do I desire to live in a sandy desert, with no phones or ‘puters? No escargot or sushi? No freakin’ way. Though our culture has it’s problems, it’s head and shoulders better then when folks pooped and peed into pots and then threw it into the streets. We have hot baths, and that is a blessing. We have machines that fly and boxes that cook food in minutes instead of hours, and creatures like these mooks want to drag us back into the Stone Age? Here’s some info on one of these mooks, and these asses, or this fool.
We the people have traitors in our midst. These are creatures that have never sworn allegience to the miracle that is the American Promise. I, and many others have researched and guarded the gates against these enemies of the Modern World for decades. I personally have invested 30 years in keeping watch over these traitors. Back in ’75 I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and Her citizens. That oath is binding . There is no going back.
These are people that oppose the doctrine of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. We are suppossed to goose-step to their tune. We must not let them win.