Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 25, 2006

Oh When the Saints…

Filed under: Civic Blogging,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:47 pm

Tonight marks the first homegame of the season for the Saints. It is also the first time since the Deluge that the Dome has been used for anything other than a shelter for those so severly effected by the man-made diaster. It is a time of celebration and resolve: New Orleans, like the Superdome will rise from the Flood better than before.

This is not to say that you must be a football fanatic (I’m not) to join in, but it means that one can understand the symbolic meaning of this event for those of us back home working towards rebuilding, and maybe some hope for those still in exile that do wish to return home. Rebuilding this city is up to us and not the Saints. (Da Po’Boy has good words on this as does Wet Bank Guide.)

There isn’t much more that I can write about this topic. These are OUR Saints, and this is OUR city… may both flourish and prosper. Amen

Geaux Saints!!!

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