Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

January 25, 2007

NOPD at it’s “finest”?

Filed under: Crime,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:42 pm

On January 4th, around 5:30 in the morning, Helen Hill was murdered, and her husband Paul Gailiunas was injured. This was one of the New Year’s murders that sparked the March on Violence to City Hall seven days later.

At first the NOPD was saying that maybe it was someone this couple knew that had committed the crimes and they had let him in. A few days later I ran into a source that clued me into certain things going down that night on N. Rampart (like hooded men around that corner hours before), and through a strange series of events, this info was relayed to the NOPD. (I didn’t know what had exactly happened that night, but having lived for several years three doors down from the couple’s place, I instinctively understood what happened.)

A few days later a piece appeared relating the attempted forced entry at the Olde Town Inn, a B&B one block away from the site of the killing and shooting. There seemed to be no connection between the two events (according to the NOPD). I knew better.

Yesterday there was a blurb concerning the fact that Paul seemed to be uncooperative in the investigation of his wife’s murder, even though he had given two statements prior to leaving the city for Helen’s funeral in S.C. (I wanted to follow up on this, but I had shopping chores to do) The article made it seem that he was fouling up NOPD’s “investigation”.

Late this evening I check my news sources and here is this piece on Doctor Recounts Night of Wife’s Slaying.

(read it, please)

Why did Riley and his minions try to portray this man as being uncooperative? They had all of the pieces of the puzzle three weeks ago, but they have to go public erroneously claiming that he was avoiding their queries? That they had NO CLUES? To make Paul feel like an abettor?

Well, that’s the NOPD under Warren Riley (big fat goof who thinks he’s intelligent… compared to what inanimate piece of fluff, I ask?), the same as when Eddie Compass held the Chief’s post. We have the fucking Keystone Kops reborn here. They can’t figure out whether they are investigating their asses or a pothole. (They actually brought a “perp” to my home in order for me to ID him. Fucking assholes! You bring the supposed criminal to my freakin’ god-damned house? A rookie should know better than that.)

Warren Riley should be drummed out of the NOPD in disgrace, especially because of the destruction he has wrought upon the community and the force. The Fed DOJ must take over NOPD and asshole Jordan’s DA office. (We have some very experienced police officers that beat the shit out of our last two NOPD head clowns. We just need some ADAs that “get it”.) We have to take back our policing and justice system from the idiots that set this crap in the first place.

This is OUR city, white and black alike. None of us should keep back what we see and know from our forces of justice. We are part of the policing, and the damn NOPD and DA’s office should keep us safe for being good citizens, and they must fucking act upon info gathered, then indict, and end the revolving door that we have at the Court.

You kill someone in New Orleans? Your fucking ass is grass. We, the people of New Orleans will no longer let you boys play your tribal, drug, war games anymore. I’ll buy you a ticket to anywhere you want to go… drive your putred ass to the state line, or just put a bullet in your freakin’ brain-case. (The latter is your only option if you hurt me and mine BTW, there will be no Heaven or Hell for thee… as a witch I can destroy your soul for all time, and I will do so in a heartbeat. I’ll answer to the Mother later for that action.)

Maybe this is part of Sinn Fein, ‘eh?

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