Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

October 4, 2007

New Orleans is a Schmorgesborg?

Filed under: Crime,New Orleans,Witch Stuff — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:41 pm

Charlotte sent this out through the NOLA Bloggers, and once I read it my blood started to boil.

Here’s a small snippet:

“At last week’s annual Congressional Black Caucus conference, Louisiana Representative William Jefferson hosted a panel entitled “Recovery by Whom, for Whom?” Invited speaker Mayor Ray Nagin answered Jefferson’s question as he auctioneered off New Orleans to the audience, stating that the city is undergoing “the biggest economic development in history.”

The prices of homes and even hotels are a steal, and deep pockets are invited to swoop down and take advantage of the still-struggling New Orleans. Mayor Nagin represented the city as a “buffet,” and shamelessly summoned private business “to eat all they can eat.” He called on them to take advantage of the “schmorgesborg” that is New Orleans–there is enough for everybody.”

Many years ago, at the Pride Celebration in 2003, Nagin showed up with his entourage and many Gay hangers-on. When it came time for the publicity photo he stated that he wanted the pic to be with me and a young Gay activist. Right now my skin is crawling. He touched my body, and now he is advocating things that will fucking hurt me and my partner, our property, our catz, and so many god-damned others?

Mr. Nagin, I have been at odds with you since the Federal Flood of our city, but now it is personal. I want your head on a pike. I am willing to revert to how my ancestors dealt with traitors: I will build the wicker man and encase you in it. You will burn merrily. That is the penalty for your kind.

There is a justice that comes from the depths of cultural time Mr. Nagin, and now the call for justice has your name on it.

To hurt the people of New Orleans is a crime…

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