Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 12, 2008

More NOPD Crap

I’m going to wind up in Orleans Parish Prison for going after this.

I have stated things about my mixed Bloodline before, so there is no Racist taint to what I’m getting ready to type. (I’m a Colored Intersexed person living as a woman for the newcomers here)

It is time to remove the Black fucks who are screwing up our city. I don’t fucking give a damn what Race someone is, I just want them to do their JOB and not screw with folks that have their own lives and thoughts. The City gov’mit seems to just do whatever they desire and screw the rest of us.

I didn’t sign on for this shit. I just want to live my life and there are fucking morons screwing up every thing about being able to live here.  We have the best house in the city and we are going to sink mega-bucks into a business here, and these shitheads are the ones that “run” this place? Just bend me over now.

To quote the late Ashley Morris: “Fuck You, You Fucking Fucks”.

There are many good folks in this city trying to rebuild, enhance and make it a place that people would want to live in. You fuckmooks are screwing all of our work up.

Look at Nagin’s fuck-buddys, the damn Jefferson family’s indictments. The shit that passes for “normality” that we the people don’t aspire to. This is our city, not yours. We live here and like it.

You bitches and bastards are screwing us over for your power grabs and your bank accounts. It’s time to purge the entire lot of you. New Orleans and Her people do not need you.

The people of New Orleans are well past being tired of your crap and soon we WILL end your shit. You will go down and go down hard. This is OUR city you assholes!

Sinn Fein!

Sorry you fucks at City Hall… I call B/S on your actions and priorities. You are demented Racist mooks that only care about yourselves. Where is the Social Contract in that?

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  1. [...] home. “Witch by Nature, Bitch by Choice, New Orleanian by Blood”. « More NOPD Crap [...]

    Pingback by Gentilly Girl » I Fucking Hate the NOPD — July 13, 2008 @ 1:26 am

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