Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

August 29, 2011

It Was Six Years Ago Today…

Filed under: New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:29 pm

and the floodwalls built by the Corpse of Engineers fucking fell down.

Seventy-five percent of New Orleans was under water.

Today I remember the pain and loss we all felt. I remember those who died then and those who died later from this experience. My heart aches for those who had to leave their beloved city.

I remain in New Orleans. The Flood took so much: Betts, memories. I must remain here because I won’t let the Reaper or idiots win. My passing shall be on my terms and the Lady shall oversee it all.

So on this day I salute all who have worked to rebuild our New Orleans, and who insanely stand for Her as the waters come. We belong to New Orleans, and Her Fate is ours. Without us She doesn’t exist and without Her we can’t be ourselves. Call it a symbiotic relationship.

We are the Faithful. We are New Orleanians.

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