Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

June 15, 2008

“is feeling a lot like intimidation and harassment.”

Here’s an editorial from the Times-Picayune concerning the spending of our “missing” Mayors staff.

A snippet from the piece, and then I fucking go off-

“Neither is his communication director, Ceeon Quiett, nor his director of intergovernmental affairs, Kenya Smith. Those two charged $81,268 of the more than $150,000 that the administration spent on travel, hotels and restaurants in a six-month period from September to February — more than the other 17 aides who use the account combined.

Mr. Smith said in a May 17 e-mail that documentation supporting his expenses would satisfy any criticism of his spending. A month later, there are still no documents. Mr. Smith responded to a reporter’s questions about the lack of paperwork with an empty assurance: “I’m sure our folks have provided you what there is and would be happy to accommodate you if you think there is more.”

He also said that the inquiry “is feeling a lot like intimidation and harassment.”

Kenya Smith is the epitome of fuckmookery that Nagin and his idiots have given to the folks of New Orleans via City Hall. Intimidation and harassment? Fuck you asshole. You are spending our money, and you will not provide the details on what and why you spent taxpayer’s money?

This little colored girl believes that you should be burned at the stake for these statements. I will personally preside over the lighting of the brush under your feet. Thou shalt burn merrily.

Whilst we CITIZENS of New Orleans are fighting tooth and nail to rebuild our lives and the life of the city, you fucks are wining and dining without explanations as to what you are doing in our name and with our purses. This is OUR MONEY Mr. Smith. It is to be used for the people of the city and not to fill your gullet or inflated ego.

The people of this great city desire an explanation, and you had better deliver baby.

Sinn Fein!

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