Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 4, 2006

Independance Day

Filed under: Louisiana,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:35 pm

I was planning to write a screaming diatribe about conditions down here 10+ months after the Deluge, but others beat me to it. (See links below.)

Instead, I wish to thank the multitude of Americans that, through their generosity and kindness, helped so many of our folk out. It was an outpouring of care that the Founders “saw” for the folks of this Nation. It is an expression of Humanity that most of us will never forget, or be able to match.

Whilst I can never forgive the Gov’ment entities that failed the Coast, I will always hold the common Americans in the highest regard for the aid given to the victims of Katrina, Rita, and the Deluge. You helped save us, and by those actions, we have the chance to rebuild a wonderful city and region. We hope to do it right so as to honor your help.

We want to have you come visit, and let you all know that, in a way, you helped in the rebuilding of our area, that you are now part of the Coast. We wish to become strong again, and return the favors when something bad happens to you and yours. Our hearts are good, and they are bursting with gratitude for all of your help.

On this 230th celebration of the founding of this great Nation, I have to keep in mind that the failures of last year were due to the mechanisms, not the people of this country. And though I may scream and shout about what our Gov’ment is doing and not doing, and the fact that we are our own culture, I’m still proud to be a part of the people of America.

Be Blessed!


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