Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 26, 2007

If What Kind of Locality Defines Us as a People…

… then head thyself to this great discussion. It is hilarious, insightful and damning of how Modern American building and architecture in their hubris, especially over the last sixty years, have created a living Hell we call Suburbia. Watch the whole video… the last five minutes are very important as the discussion turns to what this truly means to us as a Culture.
Much like the Humid Haney, this is why I live in New Orleans. Spending over three decades away from my hometown, most of the places I lived were soulless, deadening… non-Human. There is no “Sense of Place”… no sense of connection with anything or anyone. Here I’m a citizen. In this place I feel connected with my neighbors and friends. New Orleans is a Real Culture, and I revel in that.

The thing is: all of what is good here will die if we let the demons of the Past that fled towards their Suburbia attempt to recreate the schlock that defines the suburbs in our city. It is a dead end, and our souls are in peril if it happens.

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