Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 3, 2006

How the “Ownership Society” is Screwing the Gulf

Filed under: Gulf Coast,Louisiana,New Orleans,Progressive News — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:15 pm

A new study reveals the “ownership society’’ of conservative dreams for the fraud it is; do-it-yourself financing doesn’t work when the upper class owns 80% of the nation’s stock.

So opens Marie Cocco’s  “The Myth of the Investor Middle Class”.

The partially released study she cites: EPI’s “The State of Working America” shows where 80% of all stocks are owned by only 10% of our population. This fits in nicely with my assertions that shareholders ARE the evil root behind corporations and their rapaciousness when it comes to doing, or not doing, business.

It can also explain, by extrapolation, why so much of the aid for the shattered Gulf Coast and New Orleans has vanished into the hungry maws of the stock-driven machines in lieu of actually being dispersed to those for whom the monies were appropriated by Congress.

This is why I preach “Fuck the shareholders” and to end the privatization of necessary Goverment services. These two things are what must be accomplished in order to set the Social Contract aright, to bring our Country back to that which it was before the onslaught of Reagan’s policies. (Yeah, the people got “trickled down” upon.) We need our Country back.

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