Hmmm…. Ya’s know… I’ve pretty much dealt with all kinds of medical probs, “called” them even, but it turns out that I may have had walking pnuemonia for the last month or so. My doc’s assisstant is a little rueful about not actually listeng to what I said about my breathing, but I am an independant cuss. I also don’t wish to be a prob. Many people need nore medical help than me.
I’ve been ordered to Tulane for an evening of chest x-rays, vampires sampling my blood, many shots in my tush, and then sent home with many prettily colored pills!
To say that she is upset at me barely covers it. “Morwen! You don’t have experience dealing with molds.” ‘Tis true, I usually avoid them, but I couldn’t control the trogladytes at that office building last week. I guess I get to see what the procedures are for dealing with a toxic dose of Black Mold. It’s gonna be interesting.
I’m not not being flippant: I DO understand what could happen, but having my attitude calms everyone down. They think I am a lunatic, but a funny one. Keeps me calmed down too.
Soooo, if y’all don’t from me, it means that the Beast has taken me away on His day, 6/6/06, or I’ve been sent to Baton Rouge for recuperation. I don’t know which is the greatest evil.