Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 12, 2007

Foster Campbell for Governor…

Filed under: Louisiana,Politicians — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:46 pm

Alright, I will admit to constantly backing dark horses when it comes to elections: maybe it’s because I celebrate the differences rather than the commonalities when it comes to governance. I love ideas as much as I crave liberty. But this time I’m really going out on a limb…

I’m voting and whoring for Foster Campbell to be Governor of the Gret Stet.

Here’s why I’m on his side:

As Governor, Foster Campbell will eliminate the state income tax, allowing Louisianans to pocket $3.1 billion each year instead of paying it to the state treasury. The increased economic activity from this tax reduction–the largest tax cut in Louisiana history–will usher in one of the greatest economic booms in the state’s history.

Eliminating both the personal and the corporate income taxes will make Louisiana a much more attractive location for business, providing a powerful incentive for new and existing employers to provide new jobs for our people.

The Campbell plan will replace the money given back to Louisianans by updating the 1921 severance tax on oil and gas produced in Louisiana. He’ll institute a 6 percent user fee on ALL oil and gas produced, processed, refined or distributed in Louisiana. Although Louisiana is now an oil and gas processing state instead of a major producing state, the system adopted 86 years ago collects a tax ONLY on minerals produced in Louisiana. But 95 percent of oil and gas produced and processed in Louisiana–most of it from foreign oil companies and companies owned by foreign nations–is untaxed. That’s unfair to producers in Louisiana and allows foreign companies to use our offshore waters and coastal wetlands without charge.

The processing fee will produce $5.5 billion each year. Even after eliminating the state income tax and the severance tax, Louisiana will gain an additional $1.7 billion in revenue every year. Foster will devote $1 billion a year to restoring coastal wetlands, damaged in part by mineral extraction and the thousands of miles of canals dug in our marshes to aid offshore exploration and production.

The remainder of the new funding obtained through the Campbell plan will be devoted to highway construction, improving our schools and other critical needs.” (From his site.)

This man brought telephone service to the last two communities in the state in 2004. He has served on the PSC trying to make the commission and the energy companies more accountable to our citizens. He has created special educational funds for schools and students.

I like this man’s vision, even though he’s from the northern part of the state.

This little swamp witch is firmly in the Campbell camp now. Check him out.


  1. Nice to see a New Orleans blogger backing Foster!

    ** Feel free to delete the text below **
    By the way, the link to Foster’s website goes nowhere. Any chance of you fixing it?

    Comment by Ryan — September 12, 2007 @ 4:57 pm

  2. Thanks, and the link is fixed. (Don’t know how that happened)

    I’m going to do all I can to see Campbell elected as Governor.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — September 12, 2007 @ 5:37 pm

  3. Every man a king!
    Are you really comfortable with voting for the same promises that Huey made…I seem to remember that was the beginning of the slippery slope to where we are today as a state (and as a city).

    Comment by I Remember Huey — September 14, 2007 @ 8:12 am

  4. Contact me for further info about his campaign.

    Comment by Alan — September 14, 2007 @ 11:49 am

  5. Let me get this straight. Campbell is going to get rid of the state income tax like the successful rich states have done. Has he checked the property tax rates of those other states?

    He also plans to tax oil transported through our port. The Ports of Mobile and Galveston must be heavy contributors to Huey’s… I mean Foster’s campaign.

    Seriously, you cannot support the rebuilding of S.E. La by voting for Campbell. If one must vote against Jindal, at least vote for someone with some interest in this area’s recovery like Walter Boasso.

    Long live Louisiana politics if for nothing more then just the amusement the rest of the country gets from us.

    Comment by EX-Blogger — October 18, 2007 @ 8:14 am

  6. Ex-Blogger,

    A lesson in Reality: Neither Mobile of Galveston are set up to handle what our port and State handles when it comes to petroleum and gas imports.

    Thia is about where the infrastructure IS, not where it could be. Shareholders of these kinds of companies hate to spend money on infrastructure, so the odds are they will accept the arrangements with a little sugar thrown in.

    There are too many places that have the NIMBY syndrome, but we are used to being used… we just want our cut to run the joint and restore the wetlands. We just want a little slice of the pie. The importers will go along.

    As for property taxes: they are way too low in this state. No wonder the place looks like a trip back to Grandma Moses days. The Social Contract demands that we, as landowners, deliver our share for the common good. Our assessment went up this year, and it will hurt a little, but that is the price we pay for living in a free Society. It is how we all pay for the common needs. (Example: we don’t have kids, but the both of us believe in education and feel that we should help that continue for the ones to come. It is our duty as citizens to see that happen. It IS about the Future…)

    Stop listening to the fear mongers and open your eyes to a different Reality than what the money pigs have been selling you. It’s time to become pioneers and rely upon our land and ourselves.

    Comment by Morwen Madrigal — October 19, 2007 @ 4:22 am

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