Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 16, 2011

Finally Going Back Home

Filed under: Uncategorized — Morwen Madrigal @ 10:24 pm

Yes I’m going home after leaving for medical care and a much needed rest. (Do you realize how far you pushed your body? <rolls eyes>) After 2010 my body and soul were almost running on fumes dealing with Betts’ illness and trying to hold the fort together.

The body has been healed up, especially some probs that have bothered me since the Federal Flood. My soul is strong but bruised by the loss of my sweetie. What holds all together is knowing that I’ll be with her again once I’ve finished walking my path here on this plane.

The house needs some work and I must start on the place in order to finish the damages from the Flood to the property. Folks wondered if I was going to leave New Orleans but I stood there staring at them: I will not leave this city. This is home. Too many of my friends wish for me to stay, and they had better party with me at times in order to prevent me retreating into the home and becoming a recluse. Definitely not a good thing.

So… it will be nice to be back in my own bed in two weeks. I’m taking my time on most things since nothing is worth killing myself over. (Now maybe something to kill over may come forth. We shall see.)

For all those who have sent good wishes during the time away, thank you. Be Blessed.

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