Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

August 17, 2006

Corporate Greed and Bush’s FEMA Continue to Dance…

Filed under: FEMA,Gulf Coast,Katrina,Louisiana,New Orleans — Tags: , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 9:04 pm

I went wandering over to CorpWatch to see what they have been working on lately, and was surprised (NOT!) to see their latest report on corporate greed and FEMA. After reading it, all I could see in my mind was an Axis of Evildoers dancing a jig. Giant corporations, the corrupt Administration and the duplicity of bungling FEMA were hand-in-hand moving in a circle around a large cauldron of water into which Louisiana slowly sank. This is VooDoo Economics.
Many of us know what’s going on with the monies for Katrina emergency contracts, bypassing local companies whenever possible by shoveling the funds to big corporate types knowing that most or those funds would vanish in the corporate maw. Very little would “trickle down” to the State or local level. Everything about New Orleans’ rescue would suddenly bog down as these companies aren’t that good at delivering on the contracts that are awarded by the Feds. Local companies are the way to go: they are part of the areas affected by a major disaster, they have family and friends there. They have a reason in doing the work they are hired for.

Here’s the link for the report: “Big, Easy Money”.

The author put it this way, “The devastation that Hurricane Katrina brought to the Gulf Coast is tragic enough, but the scope of the corporate greed that followed, facilitated by government incompetence and complicity, is downright criminal,” .

We definitely aren’t a part of the U.S. anymore, at least to the PTB.

Sinn Fein!

1 Comment »

  1. I’m mad at myself for not having studied these issues before – and not just because I’m supposed to know about them for my blogging. As a U.S. citizen, I should have looked at this and done something about it much sooner. Well I plan to dig deep into these things and figure out what to make of them. Thanks for opening my eyes and I look forward to digging through your archives and shedding more of my ignorance.

    Comment by easton — August 19, 2006 @ 2:33 am

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