Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

August 17, 2006

“Clutched Straw” Science

Filed under: Gulf Coast,Louisiana,New Orleans — Tags: , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:19 am

Here’s a headline that seems to have relevance, but think about it: is this clutching at straws?

Katrina evacuees called ‘climate refugees’

This is out and out bullshit science. The Deluge Diasphora from New Orleans was caused by the failure and misconceptions of projects designed and overseen by the ACoE in SE Louisiana. It was the failure of Man, not the violence of Nature.
I have accepted Global Warming for decades, but the problem we in Louisiana faced last year was a consequence of man-made affects: the construction of river control levees, protection for New Orleans from storm surges, and the destruction of our wetlands by the actions of both the ACoE and the Gas/Oil industry. This was not a climatic thing.
The Earth Policy Institute is playing into the hands of the nay-sayers of the Rebuild New Orleans crowd with these statements. They make our situation untenable because they skip the direct effects of Man, but will accept Man’s hand in climate change. Our problem is not one of climate at this time: ours is one of violence, injury, and requires triage to the tune of $14B. Our wetlands must be restored.

The EPI is also doing a disservice to the Environmental Community’s work to have Humanity truly understand and accept the notion of Global Warming. Global Warming IS real, but what we learn from the rebuilding/protection of SE Louisiana and from the Dutch’s works will provide much good in the way of protecting our coastal communities for decades to come.

Please let the EPI know that you realize that they are clutching at straws with this theory. They need to go back to the chalkboard.

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