Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

April 14, 2008

Can We Say, “No Shit”?

Filed under: Fools,Louisiana,Politicians,Racism — Tags: , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 6:56 pm

From the AP comes this miracle of rocket science political polling:

 “White voters made much of the difference. Clinton had more support from white voters than Obama received in the poll. In head-to-head matchups against McCain, Clinton received just over 26 percent support from white voters, while Obama received only 16 percent support from the white voters surveyed.

“Race is obviously entering into the extremely poor numbers he’s receiving from white voters,” Pinsonat said.”

Okay, this is a fucking no-brainer: much of the swamp state is nothing but a bunch of racist and backwards idiots. Why waste the $$$ to do a poll when the results are a given?

And on a side issue that D-BB has about my posting this stuff and my attitude: I STILL RULE.  *giggles*

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