Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

February 12, 2008

Another Definition,

Filed under: Lafcadio Hearn,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:31 am

Of a New Orleanian: Here and here.

We are an interesting lot down here Darlin’s. We love this place to the grave.

Even with all of the poop that goes down every other turn of the head, the shit that never seems to end… we are still here awaiting getting back into our house, I would rather be here than anywhere else.

A curtsey to Ashley for this one.

1 Comment »

  1.! That so sums me up. I am in a funk w/o New Orleans, and until I actually schedule my next trip, I am really not fit for company. When I am in ‘get ready’ mode, the world is my oyster (so to speak), and I am full of the milk of human kindness. When I am there – no matter the weather, I am beaming. When I am on the warning track to have to leave, I get snitty, I get mad, as if I am being shoved out the door (and this is NO reflection ony BnB hostess, she is a dear!). I feel like my steply-ug mother is demanding I come in from playing for a dinner of unfulfilling food and boring conversation. I am not truly happy unless I am in New Orleans. I should have just taken the job last year and made the move – that opportunity may never come again. Then again, maybe I need just make my OWN opportunity that is more on my terms…
    As I sit in my cubicle, I am surrounded by my pics of New Orleans and postcards by the artists and I am finishing up my orange juice from my Port of Call go cup…and I will shortly call up wwoz on the puter and listen online from a 5 hour drive away. A couple of my friends ‘get it’ even though they aren’t feeling it the same, and many more including my family just don’t get ‘it’ at all. They scratch their heads and think I have lost it. I have, I have lost my wish to be here in Houston. My love for New Orleans is undefineable. I love that locals decorate their home w/New Orleans’ stuff as if they live elsewhere and love Nola from afar…I have had “New Orleans” areas in my last several apartments.
    Peace, love and neutral grounds!

    Comment by Elspeth R — February 12, 2008 @ 7:55 am

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