I’ve spent the last several days pretty much bedridden and completely physically ill. Never has my body experienced this kind of pain and malaise (and I’ve has some really bad scrapes with med probs in my life)… then “Eureka!”, there was the brilliance not far away: The light was shining ON CITY HALL.
I have recovered fully, and I trust this symbolic gesture means that the City will finally use the rest of the damn funds given by FEMA to do even more important projects NOW!
(Actually I healed up on my own because it was my first major attack of nerves and PTSD. Betts called me a piker for having held out against it so long. “Just must stay centered… de-stress and find a hobby outside of the rebuilding. Sheesh! We are going out for drinks tonight.)
UPDATE: Saw the new City Hall sign last night… I like babies, I really like it.