Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

July 12, 2006

Corps facing lawsuit over MR-GO

Filed under: Corps of Engineers,Levees,Louisiana,New Orleans — Tags: , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:19 pm

So, the folks in St. Bernard are taking the Corps to court:

Lawsuit aims to force closure of MR-GO

Eight residents of St. Bernard Parish and New Orleans’ Ninth Ward, including two public officials, filed a class action lawsuit Wednesday aimed at forcing closure of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet and to stop it from funneling floodwaters into their homes and business as it did Aug. 29 and during Hurricane Betsy in 1965.

Filed against the agency that built the waterway, the U.S.. Army Corps of Engineers, the lawsuit asks the court to appoint a special master and a panel of scientific experts to study the dangers posed by the channel and recommend ways to address them, including reviving now-destroyed wetlands that protected against storm surges before the waterway was built.

The suit alleges that the Corps has ignored federal and state laws requiring studies of the environmental effects of the MR-GO since before the channel was dug.”

Let’s see if this sort of thing can help our side if the Industrial Canal, especially considering the stuffs going down in Boston.


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