Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

November 17, 2008

I Lost an Idol Today…

Filed under: Aside,Elitism,Fools,Fuckmooks,Gore Vidal,Insanity,Racism — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:05 am

This piece was started days ago, but I kept arguing with myself about finishing it. Much of my belief system stems from what I learned from this man, but only now do I see that my hero has feet of clay…

I lost a beloved hero today- Gore Vidal. In an interview with Andrew Gumbel who asked him about Obama as president, Vidal replied “Slaves have a hard time making poetry,” he said, relishing the shock factor, “unless it’s got a beat.”

Now Vidal makes pithy statements all of the time. It’s one reason I liked him. He has a wonderful mind and the ability to see through the B/S that befuddle others, but this time he showed his fucking soul- he’s an aristocratic, Racist fuckmook.

“Slaves”? Fuck you and your supposed airs. Fuck the fact that you have perfect diction and a good mind. Fuck the assertion that your forebearers helped “shape” this nation since 1690 (and we have seen where that “shaping” has brought us.). Fuck you for believing that you are the ne plus ultra and the rest of us are chattel.

Believe it or not Mr. Vidal, you are a symptom of the sickness that is “Real America”. Your white-bread roots are not America… those of us who toil each and every day taking care of our lives and families are the true Americans, not your effete “distinguished” bloodlines. Even though you rail away about the classicism of America, you consider yourself to be a Patrician. Sorry Darlin’, you are not. You are not far removed from the Racist rednecks that hang or burn Black folk.

My people have been here in New Orleans since the early 1700′s. My father’s line came over with William Penn to create Philadelphia and Pennsylvania (In fact my ancestor was Penn’s estate manager). My folks were farmers, artisans and fishing people. None of my line were famous, but all of them lived honorable lives. People like them are the true elite of America, not your kind of “elite”. (and no, this is not “Joe the Plumber” shit)

Elitists? I consider my self in that “class”. I am educated, experienced and continue to grow further in that segment of my life. I know much of the World because I have been there, on the ground and in the grind. I have also worked hard to provide service and keep my life together. My life has as it’s main focus to help those who are trying to grow and become, no matter what that entails. I have served my country proudly, but not for the likes of you and yours… I did it for the folks that I truly believe are the heart and soul of America. Often I disagree with them on many social issues, but they have my respect for being just who they are- American folk.

So Mr. Vidal, where the fuck do you get off deriding Barack Obama’s self-made life by that fucking statement, “Slaves have a hard time making poetry, unless it’s got a beat.”? And you consider Harry Truman to be a helot?

You Mr. Vidal, with all the respect that I have left, are just like what my tribes call Triple A Gays- those who look down at most of the community and constantly trashing us. Those mooks couldn’t be bothered to help for the community’s rights, and none of us mattered personally to them. We are just worker bees to the queens. (Examples are evident in the “Tales of the City” series.)

You sir are nothing more than an effete, snobbish, over-educated, connected boor. Yes you know things, many of them, but you come to wrong applications of your knowledge when viewing your fellow Human Beings. I believed that you possesed a spirit that cared for others by telling truth about History and the matters of Culture.

I now know I was wrong. There is something missing from your pronouncements- you hold Humanity in a sense of contempt because we are not you. We are bugs to the likes of your kind. Your kind is the wheat and we are the chaff.

My mother used to say that you can know everything and yet not be wise. Wisdom comes from true experience, not something read in a book or told to you. Wisdom is the harsh gift that comes from facing the daily grind, the murders, deaths from illness and the fight required to live a life in this country. In other words, wisdom comes from real experience, not a slide-show. Life cannot rely just on one’s score on a class exam, it comes from what you do with what you have learned.

And that in turn depends upon the content of your character and the bent of your heart. Remember that we are judged by our works. It ain’t a Bible thing, but a thing those of us who really live use as our guideposts in negotiating the currents of Life. I saw you as a beacon. Now all I see is a shallow, educated  but unknowledgeable fool.

So today we part paths. You just observe, but I live Life. Your sight is only of pages or a screen from your tower… what I see is my hands in the muck and the blood trying to understand and accept it all. The feel, the smell, horror, joy and enjoyment of just being is my gift, but all of those things escape you. The world you inhabit is a fairy place floating in the clouds.

Those of us who live have our feet on the ground.

November 16, 2008

I Can’t Marry Someone I Love?

Filed under: Insanity,LGBT,Religious Reich — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:33 am

For those people who voted for Prop 8 in California or those who support them in the other 49 States, I fucking hate and feel sorry for you. Ya’s see, I was in a Straight marriage once for many years, but the moment came when we had to confront the needs of each other, it fractured within two days. Screw me, it was all about HER.

I walked away, with some pain, but with a massive lifting off of my shoulders of a weight handed to me by a scion of a Conservative family.  I thought I had done what “society” deemed of me, and it was pure bull shit. When I needed to express myself, I no longer mattered. I was tossed away. (I also paid the bills.)

So I became myself. Became the person I always knew I was. I also knew that there was someone else out there who fit with me like a glove. And yes I did find her-

Her name is Betty.

She embraced me and my being, and I have never looked back. She is my love… my nemesis and my heartthrob. My friend, through thick and thin. The person who makes me into a better person. The person I want to strangle and yet hold onto for dear life.

My life means nothing if she isn’t in it. She’s my honey.

That’s called love… it’s also Sanctity beyond any of the religious frauds’ concepts. It is Blessed by the Goddess. It is what “marriage” is meant to be, a coupling of two people who pledge themselves to each other, “for better or for worse”. It is a Sacred bond given between two people that accept and embrace each other.

So I’m upset that many people, especially Mormons, Catholics and Blacks hate what me and my baby have. Isn’t this what Marriage was meant to be? Love, devotion, surrender? To merge together as one?

I guess they are wrong since I refuse to give up the life, and world, that has come to me by embracing this woman and saying, “Darlin’, I AM yours”.

In honor of that sentiment, here’s some lyrics from Santana that TOTALLY sums up how I feel about my Betty-

Sometimes, I imagine the world without you
But most times, I’m just so happy that I ever found you
It’s a complicated web, that you weave inside my head
So much pleasure with such pain
Hope we always, always stay the same

I’m feelin’ the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the nick of time
I’m ridin’ the highs, I’m diggin’ the lows
‘Cause at least I feel alive
I’ve never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good
I’m feelin’ you
I’m feelin’ you

You go, and then I can finally breathe in
‘Cause baby I know, in the end you’re never leavin’
Well we’re rarely ever sane, I drive you crazy and you do the same
But your fire fills my soul
And it warms me up like no one knows

‘Cause I’m feelin’ the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the nick of time
I’m ridin’ the highs, I’m diggin’ the lows
‘Cause at least I feel alive
I’ve never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good
I’m feelin’ you
I’m feelin’ you

[guitar solo]

I’m feelin’ the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the knick of time
I’m ridin’ the highs, I’m diggin’ the lows
‘Cause at least I feel alive
I’ve never faced so many emotional days

Oh, I’m feelin’ the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the nick of time
I’m ridin’ the highs, I’m diggin’ the lows
‘Cause at least I feel alive
I’ve never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good

I’m feelin’ you
I’m feelin’ you
I’m feelin’ you
Oh, I’m feelin’ you

Oh, I’m feelin’ the way that you cross my mind
And the way that you save me in the knick of time
Oh I’m feelin’ the way when you walk on by
I feel light, I feel love, I feel butterflies
I feel butterflies

How the fuck can anyone legislate against what we have in the name of Sanctity?

It’s not sanity. (And I feel sorry for you)

November 15, 2008

The Mormons Are Upset?

Filed under: Catholics,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,Mormons,Religious Reich — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:25 am

Fuck those Magic Underwear idiots. The LGBT community is attacking you?

You fuckmooks, you create your own paranoias.  The “white powder” “attacks are probably from your own in a blatant attempt to poison the feelings about those who oppose your actions. Having lived in “Mormon-held territory” I wouldn’t put it past you.

My kind don’t do that. All we wish is for folks like you to STFU and leave us alone.

The California Supreme Court rules that equal rights are for all under the State Constitution even if one is LGBT and you fucks from Utah (what a shithole state) pour $20M into a fight to overturn a different State Court’s verdict?  Ya’s teamed up with your enemies, the child-raping Catholic Church, in order to deny folks like me the right to the same rights you over-child bearing jerks enjoy?

Fuck you again.

You people are sick puppies.  You can have 10 wives but I can’t have my one Darling? That makes three “fuck yous”.

Yes we are protesting outside of your “business” centers. Yes we are marching. Yes we damn you to the depths of whatever Hell you subscribe to, but we don’t want to hurt anyone. We just want you to leave us alone. (Remember, you are freaks the Feds had to take down many years ago. Remember that one mooks?)

You put $20M into a campaign in another stae, along with the dress-wearing pediphile Catholic Church mooks, to remove the Constitutional Rights granted by the Constitution of California? Fuck you again.

Me and mine don’t take orders from Salt (kill me now) Lake City or the pedarists in the dung-hole named Rome. We are American citizens and we demand our Rights under the various State and Federal Constitutions. Our allegiance, devotion and love is to our Nation and it’s ideals, not to your fucking lies and superstitions. In other words weirdos, we ain’t cut from the same bolt of cloth you whack-jobs are.

We love and care for those we choose, and there isn’t any Power in Heaven or on Earth that can deny us. “All acts of Love are Holy in Mine eyes” states the Goddess. You may control your mindless congregations, but you have no power over us and our lives and loves. We are free from your mind control B/S. You have have no power over us… we have Power from within. That is what happens when you are self-actuated and not programmed.

All we ever wanted was our Rights and to be left alone to have our lives and loves. Now you mooks have a war on your hands, along with the blood of those of us killed by your teachings and the mental robots you have released upon Society. I know this to be true- I have been beaten almost to death by your minions.

When we win this case, I hope the punishment is the revocation of your tax-exempt status. Maybe even the banning of your hateful religions. I wish to see the death of your B/S worldview. I desire the expunging of your names from the rolls of those who lived in this country. None of you are Americans- you are space aliens or the subjects of the Vatican. That ain’t American citizenship as I see it.

And since I AM a vindictive bitch, may both of your tribes fuck off and die.

BTW- mooks, I was born with ALL of the boy and girl parts. That means I am more than any of you could ever be. The Goddess makes no mistakes. ‘Nuff said.

November 13, 2008

Methinks They Doth Protest Too Much

More fun and games down at City Hall and our idiot Mayor’s administration. The other day the City Council held a budget hearing concerning the Sanitation contracts and the huge cost it is to the taxpayers. Council woman Stacey Head got into with Sanitation Director Veronica White over White’s lies to the Council.

Today Mayor “No-See-Um” Ray Nagin sent an email to the Council. He berated them for mistreatment,  Racial verbal assaults and profanities. The tape recordings show no such things. Nagin admitted later that he hadn’t listened to to the recording.

What a fucking utter moron.

Nagin’s minions are unqualified for their positions. That’s one reason they cannot, or will not, answer questions about the the details of their departments. The other reason may well be the interesting contracts and questionable dealings of the Administration and certain contractors. Just read the stuffs the American Zombie has been posting for years. (I refuse to list all the links to the posts because there are just way too many of them.)

If someone is the head of a Department, they had well better know what is happening on their watch. Their inflated paychecks come out of our wallets and purses. I’ve run major businesses and if I responded to the company as these mooks do to our elected Council, I’d be out looking for another job or facing an indictment.

We who live and are rebuilding our damaged city cannot wait until 2010 to see the departure of our bald, demented, punch-drunk fool of a Mayor and the trash he has brought into City Hall. All of them must go.

UPDATE- Eli over at We Could Be Famous has his take on this.

November 12, 2008

National Protest Against Prop 8

Filed under: American Culture,LGBT,New Orleans,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:08 pm

This Saturday 11/15, come and join the impact. All across America LGBT folks and their supporters will protest the removal of our Court sanctioned rights in California. The site gives you links to protests in your area.

For my Gentle Readers in the New Orleans area, go here. The event goes down at 1300 Perdido St, The New Orleans Courthouse, from 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Be there and not be square. This is about my tribes’ right to be treated equally under the Law. It’s about our rights as Human Beings.

We are all embarking on a journey to a new and more rational Society that started on November Fourth. Change is in the air. Please come and share your support for a portion of our culture that has been slapped down for the umpteenth time.

November 10, 2008

Prop 8 and Hatred

Filed under: American Culture,Family Values,Fuckmooks,LGBT,Religious Reich,Social Mores — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:33 pm

I’m still reeling from the passage of Prop 8 funded by the Catholics and Mormans and actualized by the Black community.

My query- how the Hell do I threaten your lives ?

I have my honey. I curl up with her when we go to bed. I scream at her when I think she’s on the wrong page and I hold her when she is hurt. She does the same for me. That is love.

Tonight Kieth Olberman did a special comment concerning this issue. I wound up crying because this is how I see my relationship with Betts.

Yes, I can get angry with her, but every moment I’m thinking of her and wondering what’s  going down. It matters to me if something bad happens to her. This is the person I trust to lay next to me at night. This is the person I trust with my life and my health care. Betty is my friend, and I trust her.

This is what Olberman was talking about- we are friends and live as a couple. We share a life… we have friends.

Never in my life have I felt so secure.

Never in my life have I felt desired and loved as I do now.

There is nothing that the two of us has that endangers what you others have. We laugh and cry together. We scream at each other. Some nights I sleep on the sofa, but in the end we have love for each other. What is wrong with that?

Why do I need the approval of some mythical creature in order to sleep and feel safe?

Why do I need to have the approval of Humans for that which I believe is Hallowed? That which my Goddess and my heart tells me is right?

What does it matter that I chose Betty as my partner? Any skin off your ass? Did it kill your Jesus?  No, it didn’t. I found someone I dearly love, and she is the light of my life. Hers will be the last face I will see as I die. She will be the last person who touches me as I head to another world. My soul is safe in her embrace.

So for you fuckmooks who voted for Prop 8 in Cali, and for the rest of you who only know what your minister tells you, I live in the holiness of a bond that can only be achieved by two people who are in love. Can only happen when YOU make that decision to love unconditionally.Maybe one day you can reach that standard.

So babies, curl up with your honeys tonight. And tell the cross-wearers to STFU and get out of your lives.

November 6, 2008

Well… America Has

Filed under: American Culture,Family Values,Fuckmooks,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:41 am

a Black President now. World is changing. Freedom rings across the Land. All is well, except…

The LGBT community came out in great support of Barack Obama nation-wide, but in California the Black community, at the urging of their ministers, voted for Obama and voted down the chance for Same-Sex couples to be married. They took away that which the Supreme Court of California granted us as citizens of the State and of the Nation. My community chose wisely as per a leader, and others chose their prejudices when it came to Social policy and their filthy religion.

I’m gonna tell you this now- most Black LGBT folks hang with the Whites because of their Black connections being so much enslaved to what their minister tells them. Black folks scream for tolerance and acceptance for their folk, but if one is Queer… fuck you.

This girl can never accept that viewpoint. I’m a colored person and I am Trans. I have fought for Racial rights for almost 4 decades. I never questioned my decision. Now I must.

If I support a community in America, and doing so by conviction, can I accept that community’s rejection of my folk? No Darlin’s, I can’t.Though I try to focus on many issues, my primary focus must be New Orleans and my tribe. I must grow where I’m planted. I must answer Truth to the multitude.

This is my life-

Alright, we do lie to each other (what couple doesn’t), Yes we play games just as much many of you do. We fucking live a life. And ya’s know what? It’s freakin’ good. We are friends, we are lovers, and nothing on this planet can alter that. In many ways, I think our community is is more realistic than the “Straight World”.

And our commuinty is more unaccepting of the B/S handed out by Christian ministers. Why is it wrong to kiss my baby Good Night? Why is wrong to worry about were she is going? When I can’t catch on her cell…

I’m sick and tired of this battle. If I fight for you, then it should work in reverse. That’s called the Social Doctrine the Contract. It’s what many of us in America live by. Welcome to  America kids, my tribe just got fucked again by the Bible-thmping fuckmooks.

I no longer will honor my Black ancestory. I will not vote for those that harm my community. Stick your minister and crosses up your asses. There is no reason why I should care for the likes of you.

I am White and Black. The line is drawn- I fight for my community. Fuck you if you don’t get it. You fucks wish for a new world, ya’s better accept us. We are your best allies.

November 5, 2008

Obama Wins…

Filed under: Barack Obama,Campaign 2008,Elections — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:21 am

I cry tears of Joy.

Roll up your sleeves kidz, we have a lot to do.

Blessed Be!

November 3, 2008

Where Was Obama On 8/29 and Later?

We all know that McInsane was being fed B’Day cake by the Bushite in Arizona as new Orleans drowned.

Where was Barack Obama during that time period? Try this timeline.

Geaux Obama!

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