Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

August 17, 2008

Another Home Demolished… For No Reason

From today’s :

City mistakenly demolishes couple’s newly bought home

This is my take as written on’s comment section-

“Sanitation Director Veronica White, whose department oversees city-authorized teardowns, said in an e-mail that demolition program managers are supposed to forward stop-demolition orders to contractors assigned to bulldoze houses.

“I will have to further investigate where the disconnect took place before I can comment” on the Kendall Drive house, White said.”

Ms White (or whatever else you can be called that fits Reality on this matter), your department is a totally unorganized, lazy mess. The fact that you believe a 72 hour notice before notifying the demolition crew that the house was under appeal, removed from said list or sold is a crock Darlin’.

Do your J.O.B. and make those fools you hired actually do their jobs instead of allowing them to talk to their friends all day, munch Doritos and not answer questions and provide immediate service. (That’s right girl, you and yours are OUR servants, not the other way around.)

Query- How many City Hall employees does it take to screw in a light bulb? The answer is that you can take all of them and there still wouldn’t be a light bulb shining. (and the bulb would be laying on the ground.)

Example of the laziness of City Hall minions- We had our final inspection for Occupancy, and 6 working days later Entergy has not been informed that we are good to go for our electrical connection. We pulled the certification off the City’s website on the 13th, but that won’t work. We have to wait for a City worker to actually send the data forward. I can’t make moving plans due to these creatures’ incompetence.

Email is easy and quick, but only when the senders aren’t lazy shiftless fools just hangin’ around for a paycheck.

And to close, this is No-See-Um Ray’s (psuedo mayor’s) fault. It is also the shame of every fool that voted for him in two elections. Ya’s wanted a chocolate Mayor, and ya’s got him. He’s the most worthless piece of flesh (outside of Bush/Cheney) that could ever be found.

You get what you ask for. ‘Nuff said

Sinn Fein!

July 12, 2008

More NOPD Crap

I’m going to wind up in Orleans Parish Prison for going after this.

I have stated things about my mixed Bloodline before, so there is no Racist taint to what I’m getting ready to type. (I’m a Colored Intersexed person living as a woman for the newcomers here)

It is time to remove the Black fucks who are screwing up our city. I don’t fucking give a damn what Race someone is, I just want them to do their JOB and not screw with folks that have their own lives and thoughts. The City gov’mit seems to just do whatever they desire and screw the rest of us.

I didn’t sign on for this shit. I just want to live my life and there are fucking morons screwing up every thing about being able to live here.  We have the best house in the city and we are going to sink mega-bucks into a business here, and these shitheads are the ones that “run” this place? Just bend me over now.

To quote the late Ashley Morris: “Fuck You, You Fucking Fucks”.

There are many good folks in this city trying to rebuild, enhance and make it a place that people would want to live in. You fuckmooks are screwing all of our work up.

Look at Nagin’s fuck-buddys, the damn Jefferson family’s indictments. The shit that passes for “normality” that we the people don’t aspire to. This is our city, not yours. We live here and like it.

You bitches and bastards are screwing us over for your power grabs and your bank accounts. It’s time to purge the entire lot of you. New Orleans and Her people do not need you.

The people of New Orleans are well past being tired of your crap and soon we WILL end your shit. You will go down and go down hard. This is OUR city you assholes!

Sinn Fein!

Sorry you fucks at City Hall… I call B/S on your actions and priorities. You are demented Racist mooks that only care about yourselves. Where is the Social Contract in that?

Screwing Our FireFighters

Filed under: Firemen,Fools,Fuckmooks,Insanity,Nagin's Minions,New Orleans,Politicians,Ray Nagin — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:18 pm

Hie thee to Charlotte’s Casa to read about more delays in the city’s raises to the boys and girls who protect us 24/7.

Yesterday I ranted about the NOPD and how ineffective and slipshod they are in the performance of their jobs. You Gentle Readers will never hear anything but the highest praises for our wonderful firefighters from me.

The New Orleans City Gov’mit has been nothing but shitty when it comes to the treatment and pay for our brave folks and their big red vehicles. This must stop. These folks stand and deliver each and every day, whilst the NOPD just screws around.

I still must lay this shit at the feet of Ray Nagin, the absent Mayor of New Orleans and his filthy, greedy Administration.

It’s way past time for a real change in this city, and these bozos will have to live a real life.

Sinn Fein!

June 17, 2008

Does This Mean They Will Actually Do Their Jobs?

Filed under: Nagin's Minions,New Orleans,NOLA Politics,Ray Nagin — Morwen Madrigal @ 10:57 am

Nagin wants a pay raise for City employees. Guess they couldn’t have city credit cards.

March 13, 2008

Chris Rose on Ray Nagin…

Filed under: New Orleans,Ray Nagin — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 1:52 pm

and he freakin’ gets it right.

February 29, 2008

Raise the Drawbridge! Release the Gators to the Moat!

The peasants are revolting! (or they might not be… depends on your point of view.)
Lonely is the head that bears the crown. The Defender of New Orleans paces wearily upon the the ramparts of the Fortress of Orleans pondering the rumors that have been brought to light by his operatives in the Kingdom. He looks out into the fog-shrouded night for the glow from and armed crowd. He tries to listen for the creaking wheels of siege engines being moved into position, the sounds of marching feet or the whoosh of an arrow flying by, but alas, there are no sounds such as these tonight just as there is only the glow of street lamps.

The noble Defender stands guard through the night knowing that one day the end is coming. His End and the ending of all of the magnificent works which he so generously gave to the people of the Kingdom. Tears run down his cheeks as he wonders what went wrong…

I call B/S on the above narrative. Our Invisible Mayor is beefing up security at City Hall months after the fracas that accompanied the City Council Meeting that voted for the demolition of the Projects, but only a week after he informed the World that his picture is now on the Aryan websites. (I wonder if that’s what all the new cop toys must be for: protecting the his castle.)

Yes violent crime is up in the City, but since the Flood there have only been the aforementioned skirmish in the Council Chamber in December and the 5k+ March on City Hall to decry the upward spiral of murders here in Jan. ’07. Nothing bad happened at the march, and the probs during the skirmish was limited to a few “outside agitators”. Outside of the fact that City Hall is a bitch to get to work for your needs, it’s a fairly peaceful place (amazing, ‘eh?)

So why the beefing up of security at this time? Is King Amon-C. Ray going to spring some new crap on us in the near future? Will his minions announce the start of more stupid Nagin tricks upon the city? Or did he sell us to Disney?

I really wanna know.

Sinn Fein!

(Note to self: stock up on Greek Fire and arrows. Should get some more torches and pitchforks. Get boots… flats just won’t do for the assault upon anti-logic. Where’s my Captain’s hat? Hitch teh Katz to my chariot!)

February 28, 2008

Nagin’s 39 Pages of “New Rules”

Crossposted to the Wild Wild Left, and Docudharma.

Alright, I’m an anti-blight type of gal. I’ve watched buildings slowly collapse over the last six years since I returned into piles of rubble. Most of the ones I’ve been watching for years still stand, and the City ain’t done Jack concerning them. (Many are owned by churches, Black non-profits (?) and “little people”. The usual suspects.)

Back in ’04 I was trying to purchase a blighted building to create a Trans shelter and education house. Whenever I approached a member of the City with this concept, there was a sputtering sound, accompanied with the sounds of crucifixes banging against the walls. All I was doing was to locate some property and then it was up to me to get support from the Trans community to make it whole. Bingo! One less blighted property in a neighborhood. One gem amongst a block of bits of coal. (not a Racial statement, but one of a geological nature, thank you very much.)

So today, our “Chocolate City” Mayor springs a 39 page revamping document changing the city’s anti-blight rules on the City Council. Needless to say, as a homeowner, I didn’t get a copy, and neither did Betts. I don’t know of anyone else who has seen this document. So we are to just be mushrooms: kept in the dark and fed shit until you decide to “use” us? To fine us? Fuck you Bro! And fuck you with a hayfork.

I am not against many of the prohibitions on the list of offenses, but I am against a wholesale overwhelming of the City Code covering 170 chapters. This “feels” like a takeover and a Disneyization, especially when it comes to the poorer neighborhoods which are primarily Black and poor.

Per the “unknown, and therefore invisible document”: “owners of unoccupied buildings would have to maintain in good repair such decorative features as cornices and trim, keep insect screens on open windows and doors, and repair cracks in foundation walls .” If the place is unoccupied, what’s the point in this? I know many folks who own homes here and there are cracks in their brick foundations. Screens on windows of an unoccupied home? FUCK me now! (There’s no one living there.) Cornices? Shit you fuckmooks, the costs of recreating the cornices and gingerbread could easily pay for 25 sheets of wallboard to make the interior whole and livable. Is Disney trying to require us to keep things looking nice so it won’t cost them too much when they do a corporate takeover of the city as an amusement park?

Will “No-See-Um” Ray become the Mayor of the new Wonka-ville? Will he wear a funny hat? Is there going to be a flowing chocolate river where Bayou St. John once flowed?

Inquiring minds would like to be clued in.

Here’s another one: “unhealthful biological growths” . We have eliminated the two greatest threats to Humanity from our yards: kudzo and St. Augustine grass. I fail to see where theses are “unhealthful growths”, just unsightly pains-in-the-tushes.

Here comes the killer: “Other possible penalties against owners whose properties harm the “public health, welfare, morals, safety and the economic stability” of their neighborhoods could include fines of as much as $500 per day, or foreclosure to collect outstanding liens.” . MORALS? Sweet Zombie Mother Freakin’ Jesus! We are going to legislate morality in this housing shit? Dammit! Most of the offenders of this part of the Code can’t find a trashcan for their McDonald’s shit… they do like at home: drop it on the floor. Morality? Fuck babies, clothing is optional in our courtyard (I’m the only one who will go sky-clad in the side yard for my morning prayers). If some purient cross-wearer peeks over our security fences and sees naked bodies running around and reports it, we’re in violation of this new Code? Fuck you again Mr. “Shouldn’t Be” Mayor. “Morality”? What about your dealings with folks that do not involve prior information (like more than a 24 hour heads up) before you bulldoze their homes? “Morality”? Does that mean anything that would upset the Disneyites visiting our Sacred City?

I want that 39 page report in my inbox in the morning Mr. Nagin. (Your minions can pull that one off, right?) I want a copy of that document in every homeowners’ hands by Monday you massive whack-job. We are the constituants, the Council are our representatives, and you aren’t God passing down the Golden Tablets about how things will be here. It’s OUR city you congenital idiot. (You can run back to Dallas when the shit hits the fan, but we live here.)

The Council will consider this on March 21st… okay, I want copies of this document in all homeowners’ hands by the 7th. We are the homeowners of the City, so we should get some say on this shit… savvy?

Or do you have a hidden agenda with these kinds of pronouncements?

February 21, 2008

Nagin Wants to Cold Cock the NOLA Bloggers (and everybody else with a brain)

“No-See-Um” Nagin, our transparent, or is that the invisible, Mayor took umbrage over the flap concerning his little play-time fun with “Do Nothing” Riley, our Chief of Police. He’s also bitchin’ because the media is against him and his sparkling record here in NOLA, causing Racists to come out of the woodwork and make him live in fear for himself and his family. He also talks about the “evil” Blogs, and how if he is approached wrongly he will cold cock the person(s) responsible.

Try to cold cock me you worthless piece of political trash, and I’ll sink my knee so deep in your genitals that you will sound like Minny Mouse for the rest of your life. That or I’ll stick a 7 inch pump somewhere (but you might like that, Bitch.). You always find a way to make yourself look so freakin’ silly, and by extension you soil the images of the folks here who are ACTUALLY doing the rebuilding. You are NOT an asset to New Orleans.

I was going to take this rant farther, but there are too many good NOLA Bloggers who have already weighed in on this poop:

Try Dr. Morris, or the Zombie, or DangerBlond, or Adrastos, Maitri, Think NOLA, We Could Be Famous… (and yes I know I missed some, but I’m busy hiring protection.)

And there are my pieces from last week.

I wonder if we Bloggers can get Restraining Orders against this congenital Repug lunatic?

Sinn Fein!

Update: I missed these few comments from Nagin’s interview this morning:

“Nagin: I don’t know. I’ll probably settle down and get to the business of the recovery. I’ll probably go talk to an attorney and the FBI about hate crimes and all that good stuff, but I’ll be back to business.

Roberts: Have you received any direct threats?

Nagin: I’m not going to get into that. I’m a fairly high profile person and I’ve made some pretty hard decisions and it’s made some people angry. So it is what it is.”

So I guess that “No-See-Um” Ray doesn’t believe in Free Speech, the telling of the Truth or Civil Disobedience. It’s just sad… he should return to the world of cable TV and spare the rest of us anymore of his insanity.

Curtsey to the Swampwoman for filling me in.

OMG! Colbert has us on his “On Notice” board.  Thanks Leigh! (I think…. need to get the Rad Faeries to protect me.)

February 14, 2008

Some Days…

I just want to shoot myself.

Here is the “explanation” of yesterday’s photo farce.

I hate the Toilet Paper (T-P).

February 13, 2008

No Wonder New Orleans is a Mess…

Our top two morons are playing “soldier”. No-See-Um Nagin and Do-Nothin’ Riley get to play with all of the new toys first.

“Welcome to New Orleans for the NBA All-Star games!”

Did I just hear two gunshots? Wheeeeeee….

Update- The sounds were from a car back-firing. DRAT!

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