Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

September 19, 2009

Big Bash to Save Charity Hospital

Filed under: Charity Hospital,New Orleans,Rebuilding — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:33 am

Ticket info HERE.

September 8, 2009

I Am Beyond Pissed Off-

We are getting screwed over and over. Hundreds of millions of dollars over 40 years and our floodwalls collapse flooding 80% of the city. Four years down the line, and many hundreds of millions more, the Corpse of Engineers says that they will have to close the gates on the London Ave Canal at 2.5 feet?

I thought these assholes spent those millions of $$$ to make the floodwalls stronger.  I believed that these people gave a shit about us.  I thought that they cared…

Obviously not.

Well, we are at 9+ foot and worst-case scenario is 8.5 foot for flooding.  We have a back-up generator and soon solar, to keep us going. We have enough food for 2 months and we can purify water, but what about the others that couldn’t pull off what we did?

They are fucked, plain and simple.

They repaired their flooded slab-on-grade houses trusting in the Corpse, but to no avail. Many of us warned them, but they wouldn’t listen. Now it’s time to see the possibilities of the Future.

The Federal and State Guv;mits don;t care about US. The Port and the oil yes, but not about us who live in this wonderful city. (well they do love the brothels…)

I’m going back in time to Ashley Morris- we must secede from the Gret Stet and take our royalties from the gas/oil industries and then hire the Dutch to save us.  Middle America does not care about us. Our ancestors were sold along with the land two centuries ago, and our way of living is abhorrent to thier supposed minds.

We are New Orleanians and this country must pay reparations for the damages to our homeland and our people.

Sinn Fein!

August 31, 2009

Protecting Coastal Communities

Filed under: Coastal Restoration,Gulf Coast,Levees,Louisiana,New Orleans,Rebuilding,Wetlands — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:37 pm

This is how the Dutch do it. America can do it too if only it wanted to.



August 29, 2009


Filed under: Federal Flood,Gentilly,Katrina,Levees,Louisiana,New Orleans,Rebuilding,Sinn Fein — Morwen Madrigal @ 3:29 pm

Sinn Fein!


Filed under: Federal Flood,Grey Ghost,Katrina,Levees,Louisiana,New Orleans,Rebuilding — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:20 pm

August 28, 2009

A Katrina/Flood Timeline-

Filed under: Federal Flood,FEMA,Fools,George Bush,Katrina,Levees,Louisiana,New Orleans,Politicians — Morwen Madrigal @ 2:08 pm

Go here.


Filed under: Corps of Engineers,New Orleans — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:56 pm

August 25, 2009

Save Charity Hospital!

Filed under: Charity Hospital,New Orleans,Rebuilding — Morwen Madrigal @ 4:10 pm

August 22, 2009

Time To Go Back To Blogging

Over the last few months my Blogging has almost become non-existant. It’s not that I don’t have enough to rant about… I’m just tired. Four years of slogging and smacking down mooks for being stooopid on top of the cares of rebuilding our home and lives, care for friends and love for New Orleans have taken much out of me. It has also upset that delicate balance that I had acheieved years ago with my little dance with HIV.

For months I’ve been more of a news aggregator funneling good pieces onto dear old FB and just letting the chips fall as they will. I had gotten away from what I started doing right after the Flood in educating folks about what was going down here and explaining the arcane systems that the powers-that-be had concocted for the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast. One-liners followed by a link doesn’t fit the bill in my book.

This weekend I was with many of us original NOLA Bloggers for the Rising Tide 4. I felt connected again and so proud of what they continue to do even now at the eve of the 4th anniversary of the Federal Flood. I realized that I wasn’t a parrot, but an owl. My life has spread half-way around the World twice, I have the Blessing to be able to have been able to rebuild my life and Being as it must be and I am surrounded, physically and in cyber with some of the best souls I have ever known. Some of the folk there asked why I had gotten quiet on my Blog, that they missed the rants and the snarky diatribesand the Tales of Our City.

The Blog no longer had any meat.

There has to be the meat, the processing of a news article by a person in order to make sense, show some relation and postulate what a political decision can lead to down the line.

So I’m going back to Blogging more regularly. If someone trashes New Orleans of the Gulf Coast, I am going to freaking eat you alive. Some politician wants new rules that will be to our disadvantage here, I will dig to refute or abuse you in creative ways. And when I just want to talk about life or my beloved New Orleans, I will do just that. There is a story to be told about a chunk of the country that has been used and abused for the Nation’s benefit but is sadly lacking when it comes to being helped to heal. (the volunteers who have come understand and we hail them). I’m talking State and Federal governments and the oil/gas companies. I’m talking about the destruction of our wetlands… the disregard for the folk of the swamps as just fools and simple folk. About buying a populace and culture and just running it into the ground because “people of this region do not count”.

Yes we do. Without us and the sacrifices over the last century the rest of the U.S. would not have what it has now. Our homeland, bought as just swamp and some chattel have been almost crushed, but life still flows here.

Sinn Fein!

July 23, 2009

It’s almost time for Rising Tide IV-

Be there or our Orisha will get you. (Or maybe I’ll ride the dark winds to express my displeasure.)

Here’s the link for registration, info and donations. We like donations, but we’d rather see you there.

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