Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

November 4, 2007

ChatUsHome Alert!: By Nov. 6– chance to get reform of FEMA elevation allowances for Lousiana homeowners

For those who have been following the news concerning rebuilding along the Gulf Coast post-hurricanes/Federal Flood, you might know that Mitigation Grants were being awarded that would aid folks in rebuilding safer and with less cost to the Nation in the event of another disaster.

We were awarded an ICC Grant for mitigation of our dangers by us raising the house to above the Base Flood Elevation and in accordance with the newest flood depth maps provided by the ACOE two months ago, but FEMA had to consider a way to allow those of us who have already done the necessary work to be re-imbursed for work  done prior to their October announcement.

FEMA is now in the process of amending it’s procedures and policy since the situation down here has taken too long and many of us decided that we didn’t wish to hang out and wait for the funds to be disbursed. We decided to work on our homes and do the right thing. We are rebuilding NOW.

CHAT has just alerted us to FEMA’s upcoming procedural changes, but as usual, FEMA didn’t give much of a lead time on these changes, and that’s were we need you to help. Please visit CHAT and send their message to the Feds by Nov. 6th.

This is vital to folks’ rebuilding efforts. Many people here in New Orleans, with the promise of these Grants have moved forward on getting back into our homes and businesses, but unless some of the rules are changed, we will never see those monies. If the latter proves to be the case, those of us who showed initiative in rebuilding will be shorted many dollars that were promised to us all because of forgotten procedural rules on the part of the Federal Government’s part.

October 25, 2007

Blackwater in NOLA

Filed under: Crime,Federal Flood,Katrina,Levees,Louisiana,New Orleans — Tags: , , , , , — Morwen Madrigal @ 12:27 am

Loki at Humid City finally posted the Bill Moyers interview with a journalist that was here during the Flood concerning Blackwater.

Was Eric Prince angling for a Federal contract by bringing his shock troops into New Orleans to prove a point?

October 3, 2007

Is This My World?


September 27, 2007

House Approves New Application Standards For the NFIP

Filed under: Federal Flood,New Orleans — Tags: , — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:55 pm

And yes, the Monkey in Charge is saying it (notice the “it” thing) will veto it.

And for the first time in my life, I am now telling the environmental community to FREAKIN’ FUCK OFF!!! (see below)
Some environmental groups also opposed the bill because of the wind provision, saying it would make it easier for people to buy homes in environmentally fragile areas. It’s a federal incentive that “puts people in harm’s way and gives people a false sense of security,” said Adam Kolten, congressional affairs director for the National Wildlife Federation.” 

September 26, 2007

More On the “Shock Doctrine”

A few weeks ago I wrote a post on an excerpt from Guardian concerning Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine”. Didn’t seem like much was happening  very much on this topic, but now it’s picking up steam as Klein is doing her promotion gigs  for her book.

Try this out: John Cusack’s interview with Klein.

Curtsey to Suspect Device. and the Zombie.

I’m happy that this book is getting notice down here in Da Swamp.

September 24, 2007

Hurricane Rita Escape Anniversary

Just remembered that Rita smacked into SW LA and TX two years ago today.

Where were we then? San Antonio in a nice little suite with a tiny kitchenette. The A/C died in the car and it was in the shop. We had a stowaway in that Opal the Cat wasn’t supposed to be in the room, but I wasn’t leaving her in the car with all of that heat.

We stayed there for a few days before making the trek to our friend’s home in  San Dimas, SoCal land. It was going to be a long ride, so we rested up. And ate some really good BBQ! A LOT OF IT!

What didn’t help was the news coming in about the destruction Rita brought to our friends on the Coast and in Houston. We were actually supposed to sign a lease on a place in Houston that day. I was looking forward to living in the Montrose for our exile from New Orleans. We just couldn’t take the thought of another big storm while our house was sitting in the Federal Flood disaster.
BTW- It really, really bugs me that we still, at almost 25 months, are still not in our house. Poop

August 29, 2007

Now It’s Personal George…

Sinn Fein! 

August 23, 2007

Greg Palast on the Drowning of New Orleans

Once again Palast digs the freakin’ dirt on the assholes who fucked New Orleans when the levees failed under conditions that were way below spec. Read it and weep America… one day soon this kind of dog and pony show may just visit your locale.
Here’s a snippet:

“That leaves the big, big question: WHY? Why on earth would the White House not tell the city to get the remaining folks out of there?

The answer: cost. Political and financial cost. A hurricane is an act of God – but a catastrophic failure of the levees is a act of Bush. That is, under law dating back to 1935, a breech of the federal levee system makes the damage – and the deaths – a federal responsibility. That means, as van Heeden points out, that “these people must be compensated.”

The federal government, by law, must build and maintain the Mississippi levees to withstand known dangers – or pay the price when they fail.”

Link to his article.

Curtsey to Ana Maria for this.

August 9, 2007

A Petition…

Care2 has a petition running for the Prezzie candidates concerning New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.

If you are reading my Blog, I expect you to sign it.

August 7, 2007

Rising Tide 2 Reminder…

Information here.

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