Gentilly Girl- a part of the 99%

November 4, 2009

Remember “Maine”

Just fuck me now. Yesterday  the Christa-fux voted to dis-allow Same-Sex Marriage in Maine even though it was approved by the Courts, the Legislature and the Govenor. The recognition of equal rights for all Americans was negated by a bunch of cross-wearing fools that hate lives like the one Betts and I have together. Their “religion” tells them that people like us are evil and do not deserve the Rights of being a couple and living a life together. (Same shit went down in California last year with Prop. 8.)

They have decided that they can have Rights not available to other Americans that they deem unacceptable.  People like me and mine don’t count in America. We are to be discounted as Human Beings. This is wrong.

I’m not a slave to a “burning bush”. I do not believe in a book written by Mid-Easterners from as far back as 3,500 BCE.  I am a well-educated person living in the 21st Century. I’m a scientist, an engineer and a retail manager. I know how to live in the Reality that I’m presented with.

I’m a tax-paying citizen of this country and a Veteran. I don’t over-tax the Social network because I do things on my own. How fucking dare you cross-wearing mooks deny me MY RIGHTS just because you or your holy book don’t agree with my life. (I’m not the one birthing 12 kids when I can’t pay for them)

I gave almost ten years of my life to defend this country and Her ideals. I defended your right to live your life even when I disagreed with your choices. Never, NEVER, would it be in my soul to deny you your desires or beliefs.  “Different strokes for different folks”.  What makes you better than me? What about your life outweighs the life I live? Nothing that I can see.

My life with Betty is one where we work our tushes off to support community and other efforts. We are people that believe that unless you are a criminal, just live your life. Your lives are like ours; choices. How do we differ?

I have a solution to this entire problem- we get rid of all special benefits for married couples. We eliminate all benefits for kids. Hey, we are all just individuals and none of us should get more goodies than another. And let’s get rid of the tax exemption for religious companies?Let’s level the playing field.

Can you see an equitable Future that I see?

So you fucking Christa mooks, take your filthy hands off of our lives. Do not attack us for our ways and we don’t come after you for being Stone-Agers.  Let me and mine live our lives in peace.

Me and mine will eventually have full equality in this land… you may not like it, but FUCK YOU.  We are citizens of the United States.

January 31, 2009

Fuck the Poop

Filed under: Catholics,Closet Cases,Crime,Fuckmooks,Sex — Morwen Madrigal @ 11:41 pm

Here’s my reason for this statement- here.

The last thing we need is a Nazi in a dress speaking about the morals of the folks of New Orleans.

BTW Poop, how many of your freakin’ priests are pederasts?

We aren’t.

November 15, 2008

The Mormons Are Upset?

Filed under: Catholics,Inter/Trans-Sexed,LGBT,Mormons,Religious Reich — Morwen Madrigal @ 5:25 am

Fuck those Magic Underwear idiots. The LGBT community is attacking you?

You fuckmooks, you create your own paranoias.  The “white powder” “attacks are probably from your own in a blatant attempt to poison the feelings about those who oppose your actions. Having lived in “Mormon-held territory” I wouldn’t put it past you.

My kind don’t do that. All we wish is for folks like you to STFU and leave us alone.

The California Supreme Court rules that equal rights are for all under the State Constitution even if one is LGBT and you fucks from Utah (what a shithole state) pour $20M into a fight to overturn a different State Court’s verdict?  Ya’s teamed up with your enemies, the child-raping Catholic Church, in order to deny folks like me the right to the same rights you over-child bearing jerks enjoy?

Fuck you again.

You people are sick puppies.  You can have 10 wives but I can’t have my one Darling? That makes three “fuck yous”.

Yes we are protesting outside of your “business” centers. Yes we are marching. Yes we damn you to the depths of whatever Hell you subscribe to, but we don’t want to hurt anyone. We just want you to leave us alone. (Remember, you are freaks the Feds had to take down many years ago. Remember that one mooks?)

You put $20M into a campaign in another stae, along with the dress-wearing pediphile Catholic Church mooks, to remove the Constitutional Rights granted by the Constitution of California? Fuck you again.

Me and mine don’t take orders from Salt (kill me now) Lake City or the pedarists in the dung-hole named Rome. We are American citizens and we demand our Rights under the various State and Federal Constitutions. Our allegiance, devotion and love is to our Nation and it’s ideals, not to your fucking lies and superstitions. In other words weirdos, we ain’t cut from the same bolt of cloth you whack-jobs are.

We love and care for those we choose, and there isn’t any Power in Heaven or on Earth that can deny us. “All acts of Love are Holy in Mine eyes” states the Goddess. You may control your mindless congregations, but you have no power over us and our lives and loves. We are free from your mind control B/S. You have have no power over us… we have Power from within. That is what happens when you are self-actuated and not programmed.

All we ever wanted was our Rights and to be left alone to have our lives and loves. Now you mooks have a war on your hands, along with the blood of those of us killed by your teachings and the mental robots you have released upon Society. I know this to be true- I have been beaten almost to death by your minions.

When we win this case, I hope the punishment is the revocation of your tax-exempt status. Maybe even the banning of your hateful religions. I wish to see the death of your B/S worldview. I desire the expunging of your names from the rolls of those who lived in this country. None of you are Americans- you are space aliens or the subjects of the Vatican. That ain’t American citizenship as I see it.

And since I AM a vindictive bitch, may both of your tribes fuck off and die.

BTW- mooks, I was born with ALL of the boy and girl parts. That means I am more than any of you could ever be. The Goddess makes no mistakes. ‘Nuff said.

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